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  1. 01. Doc Krinberg

    Your story resonates with probably more people than you realize. We can’t pick our family, and just because they are family, it doesn’t bind us to them unconditionally. In my own family there have been schisms and shifting plates not unlike the landscape. It just happened because of choices people made or trajectories others took.
    The numerous cousins from now deceased aunts and uncles with whom I played with when younger like surrogate brothers and sisters have been whittled away by time and actions. Betrayals or slights take on a different meaning when we age, and I personally have excised many due to different things, and I refuse to fake it. My older sisters still manufacture some silly attachment to a few, and when there is the funeral or wedding, and we’re thrown into the mix, I just stand apart and they understand.
    It’s a complicated life and I don’t reward those who cannot reciprocate emotions or social graces. I’m too fucking tired of manufacturing things that are not there.
    My question to you is did you receive any blowback on your piece?

  2. 02. colette

    I agree. At a certain point, there’s no more faking it. We have to move on and live our lives with those we love and respect and know love and respect us in return. As for your question, so far I haven’t received any blowback. In fact, I’ve gotten a lot of positive reaction. There are family members I haven’t had a chance to speak with since I wrote the piece, but I’ll be seeing many of them soon at a family event, so I’ll report back after that.

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