Greetings and salutations! And yes, I know, greetings are salutations. But sometimes the only way to express the proper degree of enthusiasm is through a bit of redundancy.
For my first post, I want to thank the people who made this website possible.
I would not have a new website at all without the vision, patience, and creativity of Janice Lee and her company, POTG Design. Among Janice’s many excellent suggestions was to feature not one, not two, but three home page images along with quotations from my stories. To see all three home page images and the quotations that appear on the second and third, either linger on the home page and allow it to cycle through the images, or click on the three buttons at the bottom of the home page. I’ve also included all the images as the first three photos in this post. The first two (Fancy Boots and Untitled Queen) are by the talented Stephanie Keith. I’m a longtime fan of hers, which makes it especially thrilling to include her photography on my website.
Fancy Boots by Stephanie Keith, used with artist’s permission/All Other Rights Reserved
Untitled Queen by Stephanie Keith, used with artist’s permission/All Other Rights Reserved
The third photo (Shadow Walk) in this post is the work of another talented photographer, Bob Ohanesian, who also took the author photo on my bio page and who happens to be my husband.
The fourth image in this post (Kids in Pool), also by Stephanie Keith, is as gorgeous as the previous three photos and appears as part of various page banners of this site. At some point, I’d like to add it as another home page image with a quote from one of my stories. In the meantime, I include it here in its entirety for everyone to enjoy:
Kids in Pool by Stephanie Keith, used with artist’s permission/All Other Rights Reserved
Finally, a few thoughts about my new blog: I plan to use this blog to highlight upcoming readings and events, stories, essays, books, etc. that I’d love people to check out, projects that excite me and that I think will excite other people. If I mention an essay concerning the craft of writing, chances are that I’ll also post a link to it on my writers’ resources page, where I post information about various writers’ communities, publishing tools, and writing advice that I’ve found helpful over the years. Enjoy!
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© 2023 Colette Sartor. Privacy Policy.
Website by POTG Design.
Photos (except News & Current Classes): Rayme Silverberg (author photo); Bob Ohanesian; & Stephanie Keith.
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