Stumbling Toward Optimism

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  1. 01. Sue Coletta

    Yes, you’ve got this. Of course, this is coming from a die-hard optimist. I can look at any disaster and find the possibilities for greatness however minute they may be. 🙂 Enjoy your new outlook on life, Colette. I’m rooting for you!

  2. 02. colette

    Thanks, Sue! I may have to touch base with you periodically to learn the ins and outs of staying optimistic!

  3. 03. A.M. Pietroschek

    I think the fact that you can accept yourself, beyond optimist or pessimist, is so much more important. As that means you can still control your life and thereby choose the pathway making you most happy or most successful.

  4. 04. colette

    You’re exactly right. Self-acceptance is what leads to happiness and success. It’s taken me years, but I’m getting there.

  5. 05. A.M. Pietroschek

    Then enjoy, self-earned is the most authentic path. May the joy outweigh the troubles. Bye.

  6. 06. colette

    You too. Thank you!

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